goctl model
The database model code generation instruction provided by goctl model for goctl is currently supported by MySQL, PostgreSQL, Mongo code generation, MySQL support from sql files and database connections and PostgreSQL support from database connections only.
goctl model directive
$ goctl model --help
Generate model code
goctl model [command]
Available Commands:
mongo Generate mongo model
mysql Generate mysql model
pg Generate postgresql model
-h, --help help for model
Use "goctl model [command] --help" for more information about a command.
goctl model mono directive
Mongo is generated different than MySQL. MySQL and MySQL can read a table of information (field name, data type, index, etc.) from the scheme_information library, while Mongo is a document type database, we are temporarily unable to read a record from the db to get the field information, even if it is not necessarily complete (some fields may be omitempty modifications, if any) where type type is self-writing+ code generated.
$ goctl model mongo --help
Generate mongo model
goctl model mongo [flags]
--branch string The branch of the remote repo, it does work with --remote
-c, --cache Generate code with cache [optional]
-d, --dir string The target dir
-e, --easy Generate code with auto generated CollectionName for easy declare [optional]
-h, --help help for mongo
--home string The goctl home path of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
--remote string The remote git repo of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
The git repo directory must be consistent with the https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero-template directory structure
--style string The file naming format, see [https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/tree/master/tools/goctl/config/readme.md]
-t, --type strings Specified model type name
branch | string | NO | Empty string | Remote template name is used only if remote has value |
cache | boolean | NO | false | Whether or not to generate code with cache |
dir | string | NO | Current working directory | Generate Code Output Directory |
easy | boolean | NO | false | Exposure pool name variable |
home | string | NO | ${HOME}/.goctl | Local Template File Directory |
remote | string | NO | Empty string | Remote template is a git repository address. Priority is higher than home field value when this field is passed |
style | string | NO | gozero | Named style symbols for output files and directories, see file style |
type | []string | YES | nil | Structure Type Name |
Below are examples of generating a user structure.
1 Whether or not to generate code with cache
# enter user home
$ cd ~
# make dir named demo
$ mkdir demo && cd demo
# generate mongo code by goctl
$ goctl model mongo --type User --dir cache --cache
# view layout
$ tree
└── cache
├── error.go
├── usermodel.go
├── usermodelgen.go
└── usertypes.go
1 directory, 4 files
View code
- error.go
- usermodel.go
- usermodelgen.go
- usertypes.go
package model
import (
var (
ErrNotFound = mon.ErrNotFound
ErrInvalidObjectId = errors.New("invalid objectId")
package model
import (
var _ UserModel = (*customUserModel)(nil)
type (
// UserModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here,
// and implement the added methods in customUserModel.
UserModel interface {
customUserModel struct {
// NewUserModel returns a model for the mongo.
func NewUserModel(url, db, collection string, c cache.CacheConf) UserModel {
conn := monc.MustNewModel(url, db, collection, c)
return &customUserModel{
defaultUserModel: newDefaultUserModel(conn),
// Code generated by goctl. DO NOT EDIT.
package model
import (
var prefixUserCacheKey = "cache:user:"
type userModel interface {
Insert(ctx context.Context, data *User) error
FindOne(ctx context.Context, id string) (*User, error)
Update(ctx context.Context, data *User) error
Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error
type defaultUserModel struct {
conn *monc.Model
func newDefaultUserModel(conn *monc.Model) *defaultUserModel {
return &defaultUserModel{conn: conn}
func (m *defaultUserModel) Insert(ctx context.Context, data *User) error {
if data.ID.IsZero() {
data.ID = primitive.NewObjectID()
data.CreateAt = time.Now()
data.UpdateAt = time.Now()
key := prefixUserCacheKey + data.ID.Hex()
_, err := m.conn.InsertOne(ctx, key, data)
return err
func (m *defaultUserModel) FindOne(ctx context.Context, id string) (*User, error) {
oid, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidObjectId
var data User
key := prefixUserCacheKey + id
err = m.conn.FindOne(ctx, key, &data, bson.M{"_id": oid})
switch err {
case nil:
return &data, nil
case monc.ErrNotFound:
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err
func (m *defaultUserModel) Update(ctx context.Context, data *User) error {
data.UpdateAt = time.Now()
key := prefixUserCacheKey + data.ID.Hex()
_, err := m.conn.ReplaceOne(ctx, key, bson.M{"_id": data.ID}, data)
return err
func (m *defaultUserModel) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
oid, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidObjectId
key := prefixUserCacheKey + id
_, err = m.conn.DeleteOne(ctx, key, bson.M{"_id": oid})
return err
package model
import (
type User struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"`
// TODO: Fill your own fields
UpdateAt time.Time `bson:"updateAt,omitempty" json:"updateAt,omitempty"`
CreateAt time.Time `bson:"createAt,omitempty" json:"createAt,omitempty"`
2 Generate code without cache
# enter user home
$ cd ~
# make dir named demo
$ mkdir demo && cd demo
# generate mongo code by goctl
$ goctl model mongo --type User --dir nocache
# view layout
$ tree
└── nocache
├── error.go
├── usermodel.go
├── usermodelgen.go
└── usertypes.go
1 directory, 4 files
View code
- error.go
- usermodel.go
- usermodelgen.go
- usertypes.go
package model
import (
var (
ErrNotFound = mon.ErrNotFound
ErrInvalidObjectId = errors.New("invalid objectId")
package model
import "github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/core/stores/mon"
var _ UserModel = (*customUserModel)(nil)
type (
// UserModel is an interface to be customized, add more methods here,
// and implement the added methods in customUserModel.
UserModel interface {
customUserModel struct {
// NewUserModel returns a model for the mongo.
func NewUserModel(url, db, collection string) UserModel {
conn := mon.MustNewModel(url, db, collection)
return &customUserModel{
defaultUserModel: newDefaultUserModel(conn),
// Code generated by goctl. DO NOT EDIT.
package model
import (
type userModel interface {
Insert(ctx context.Context, data *User) error
FindOne(ctx context.Context, id string) (*User, error)
Update(ctx context.Context, data *User) error
Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error
type defaultUserModel struct {
conn *mon.Model
func newDefaultUserModel(conn *mon.Model) *defaultUserModel {
return &defaultUserModel{conn: conn}
func (m *defaultUserModel) Insert(ctx context.Context, data *User) error {
if data.ID.IsZero() {
data.ID = primitive.NewObjectID()
data.CreateAt = time.Now()
data.UpdateAt = time.Now()
_, err := m.conn.InsertOne(ctx, data)
return err
func (m *defaultUserModel) FindOne(ctx context.Context, id string) (*User, error) {
oid, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, ErrInvalidObjectId
var data User
err = m.conn.FindOne(ctx, &data, bson.M{"_id": oid})
switch err {
case nil:
return &data, nil
case mon.ErrNotFound:
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err
func (m *defaultUserModel) Update(ctx context.Context, data *User) error {
data.UpdateAt = time.Now()
_, err := m.conn.ReplaceOne(ctx, bson.M{"_id": data.ID}, data)
return err
func (m *defaultUserModel) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) error {
oid, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(id)
if err != nil {
return ErrInvalidObjectId
_, err = m.conn.DeleteOne(ctx, bson.M{"_id": oid})
return err
package model
import (
type User struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `bson:"_id,omitempty" json:"id,omitempty"`
// TODO: Fill your own fields
UpdateAt time.Time `bson:"updateAt,omitempty" json:"updateAt,omitempty"`
CreateAt time.Time `bson:"createAt,omitempty" json:"createAt,omitempty"`
goctl model mysql directive
The goctl model mysql directive is used to generate MySQL based model code that supports the generation of cached and non-cached code.MySQL code generation support from sql files. Database connection to two sources to generate code.
$ goctl model mysql --help
Generate mysql model
goctl model mysql [command]
Available Commands:
datasource Generate model from datasource
ddl Generate mysql model from ddl
-h, --help help for mysql
-i, --ignore-columns strings Ignore columns while creating or updating rows (default [create_at,created_at,create_time,update_at,updated_at,update_time])
--strict Generate model in strict mode
-p, --prefix string The cache prefix, effective when --cache is true (default "cache")
Use "goctl model mysql [command] --help" for more information about a command.
goctl model mysql datasource directive
goctl model mysql datasource instructions are used to generate model code from database connections.
$ goctl model mysql datasource --help
Generate model from datasource
goctl model mysql datasource [flags]
--branch string The branch of the remote repo, it does work with --remote
-c, --cache Generate code with cache [optional]
-d, --dir string The target dir
-h, --help help for datasource
--home string The goctl home path of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
--idea For idea plugin [optional]
--remote string The remote git repo of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
The git repo directory must be consistent with the https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero-template directory structure
--style string The file naming format, see [https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/tree/master/tools/goctl/config/readme.md]
-t, --table strings The table or table globbing patterns in the database
--url string The data source of database,like "root:password@tcp("
Global Flags:
-i, --ignore-columns strings Ignore columns while creating or updating rows (default [create_at,created_at,create_time,update_at,updated_at,update_time])
--strict Generate model in strict mode
-p, --prefix string The cache prefix, effective when --cache is true (default "cache")
branch | string | NO | Empty string | Remote template name is used only if remote has value |
cache | boolean | NO | false | Whether or not to generate code with cache |
dir | string | NO | Current working directory | Generate Code Output Directory |
easy | boolean | NO | false | Exposure pool name variable |
home | string | NO | ${HOME}/.goctl | Local Template File Directory |
remote | string | NO | Empty string | Remote template is a git repository address. Priority is higher than home field value when this field is passed |
style | string | NO | gozero | Named style symbols for output files and directories, see file style |
table | []string | YES | nil | Table to generate code |
url | string | YES | Empty string | Database connection,format{{username}}:{{password}}@tcp({{host_port}}) /{{db}} |
ignore-columns | []string | NO | nil | Fields that need to be ignored, inserted or updated, such as create_time |
strict | boolean | NO | false | Whether it is a strict mode and, if it is rigid, the modified field unsigned will be converted to the corresponding data type, primarily for numerical types, e.g.:if the name of the database indicates bigint type, The result isunsigned modifies the corresponding golang data type to int64 , For uint64 , if strict is false, no modification to unsigned |
prefix | string | NO | cache | The cache prefix, effective when --cache is true (default "cache"), goctl version > 1.7.6 |
goctl model mysql ddl directive
goctl model mysql ddl instructions are used to generate model code from sql files.
$ goctl model mysql ddl --help
Generate mysql model from ddl
goctl model mysql ddl [flags]
--branch string The branch of the remote repo, it does work with --remote
-c, --cache Generate code with cache [optional]
--database string The name of database [optional]
-d, --dir string The target dir
-h, --help help for ddl
--home string The goctl home path of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
--idea For idea plugin [optional]
--remote string The remote git repo of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
The git repo directory must be consistent with the https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero-template directory structure
-s, --src string The path or path globbing patterns of the ddl
--style string The file naming format, see [https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/tree/master/tools/goctl/config/readme.md]
Global Flags:
-i, --ignore-columns strings Ignore columns while creating or updating rows (default [create_at,created_at,create_time,update_at,updated_at,update_time])
--strict Generate model in strict mode
-p, --prefix string The cache prefix, effective when --cache is true (default "cache")
branch | string | NO | Empty string | Remote template name is used only if remote has value |
cache | boolean | NO | false | Whether or not to generate code with cache |
dir | string | NO | Current working directory | Generate Code Output Directory |
easy | boolean | NO | false | Exposure pool name variable |
home | string | NO | ${HOME}/.goctl | Local Template File Directory |
remote | string | NO | Empty string | Remote template is a git repository address. Priority is higher than home field value when this field is passed |
src | string | YES | Empty string | sql file path |
style | string | NO | gozero | Named style symbols for output files and directories, see file style |
ignore-columns | []string | NO | nil | Fields that need to be ignored, inserted or updated, such as create_time |
strict | boolean | NO | false | Whether it is a strict mode and, if it is rigid, the modified field unsigned will be converted to the corresponding data type, primarily for numerical types, e.g.:if the name of the database indicates bigint type, The result isunsigned modifies the corresponding golang data type to int64 , For uint64 , if strict is false, no modification to unsigned |
prefix | string | NO | cache | The cache prefix, effective when --cache is true (default "cache"), goctl version > 1.7.6 |
MySQL type mapping relationships
- strict 为 true 时,且 unsigned 修饰
- strict 不为 true 时
bit | NO | byte |
tinyint | NO | uint64 |
tinyint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
smallint | NO | uint64 |
smallint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
mediumint | NO | uint64 |
mediumint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int | NO | uint64 |
int | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
middleint | NO | uint64 |
middleint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int1 | NO | uint64 |
int1 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int2 | NO | uint64 |
int2 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int3 | NO | uint64 |
int3 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int4 | NO | uint64 |
int4 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int8 | NO | iunt64 |
int8 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
integer | NO | uint64 |
integer | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
bigint | NO | uint64 |
bigint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
float | NO | float64 |
float | YES | sql.NullFloat64 |
float4 | NO | float64 |
float4 | YES | sql.NullFloat64 |
float8 | NO | float64 |
float8 | YES | sql.NullFloat64 |
date | NO | time.Time |
datetime | NO | time.Time |
timstamp | NO | time.Time |
time | NO | string |
year | NO | int64 |
char | NO | string |
varchar | NO | string |
nvarchar | NO | string |
nchar | NO | string |
character | NO | string |
longvarchar | NO | string |
linestring | NO | string |
multilinestring | NO | string |
binary | NO | string |
varbinary | NO | string |
tinytext | NO | string |
text | NO | string |
mediumtext | NO | string |
longtext | NO | string |
enum | NO | string |
set | NO | string |
json | NO | string |
blob | NO | string |
longblob | NO | string |
mediumblob | NO | string |
tinyblob | NO | string |
bool | NO | bool |
bllean | NO | bool |
bit | NO | byte |
tinyint | NO | int64 |
tinyint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
smallint | NO | int64 |
smallint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
mediumint | NO | int64 |
mediumint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int | NO | int64 |
int | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
middleint | NO | int64 |
middleint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int1 | NO | int64 |
int1 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int2 | NO | int64 |
int2 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int3 | NO | int64 |
int3 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int4 | NO | int64 |
int4 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
int8 | NO | int64 |
int8 | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
integer | NO | int64 |
integer | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
bigint | NO | int64 |
bigint | YES | sql.NullInt64 |
float | NO | float64 |
float | YES | sql.NullFloat64 |
float4 | NO | float64 |
float4 | YES | sql.NullFloat64 |
float8 | NO | float64 |
float8 | YES | sql.NullFloat64 |
date | NO | time.Time |
datetime | NO | time.Time |
timstamp | NO | time.Time |
time | NO | string |
year | NO | int64 |
char | NO | string |
varchar | NO | string |
nvarchar | NO | string |
nchar | NO | string |
character | NO | string |
longvarchar | NO | string |
linestring | NO | string |
multilinestring | NO | string |
binary | NO | string |
varbinary | NO | string |
tinytext | NO | string |
text | NO | string |
mediumtext | NO | string |
longtext | NO | string |
enum | NO | string |
set | NO | string |
json | NO | string |
blob | NO | string |
longblob | NO | string |
mediumblob | NO | string |
tinyblob | NO | string |
bool | NO | bool |
bllean | NO | bool |
goctl model pg directive
goctl model pg instructions are used to generate Go language code from PostgreSQL database.
$ goctl model pg --help
Generate postgresql model
goctl model pg [flags]
goctl model pg [command]
Available Commands:
datasource Generate model from datasource
-h, --help help for pg
Use "goctl model pg [command] --help" for more information about a command.
goctl model pg datasource directive
$ goctl model pg datasource --help
Generate model from datasource
goctl model pg datasource [flags]
--branch string The branch of the remote repo, it does work with --remote
-c, --cache Generate code with cache [optional]
-d, --dir string The target dir
-h, --help help for datasource
--home string The goctl home path of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
--idea For idea plugin [optional]
--remote string The remote git repo of the template, --home and --remote cannot be set at the same time, if they are, --remote has higher priority
The git repo directory must be consistent with the https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero-template directory structure
-s, --schema string The table schema (default "public")
--strict Generate model in strict mode
--style string The file naming format, see [https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero/tree/master/tools/goctl/config/readme.md]
-t, --table string The table or table globbing patterns in the database
--url string The data source of database,like "postgres://root:password@"
branch | string | NO | Empty string | Remote template name is used only if remote has value |
cache | boolean | NO | false | Whether or not to generate code with cache |
dir | string | NO | Current working directory | Generate Code Output Directory |
easy | boolean | NO | false | Exposure pool name variable |
home | string | NO | ${HOME}/.goctl | Local Template File Directory |
idea | boolean | NO | false | Whether to use as idea, please ignore this field |
remote | string | NO | Empty string | Remote template is a git repository address. Priority is higher than home field value when this field is passed |
strict | boolean | NO | false | Whether it is a strict mode and, if it is rigid, the modified field unsigned will be converted to the corresponding data type, primarily for numerical types, e.g.:if the name of the database indicates bigint type, The result isunsigned modifies the corresponding golang data type to int64 , For uint64 , if strict is false, no modification to unsigned |
style | string | NO | gozero | Named style symbols for output files and directories, see file style |
table | []string | YES | nil | Table to generate code |
url | string | YES | Empty string | Database connection,format postprogres://{{username}}:{{password}}@{{host_port}}/{{db}}?sslmode=disabled |
PostgreSQL Type Map Relationships
bool | bool |
_bool | pq.BoolArray |
boolean | bool |
tinyint | int64 |
smallint | int64 |
mediumint | int64 |
int | int64 |
int1 | int64 |
int2 | int64 |
_int2 | pq.Int64Array |
int3 | int64 |
int4 | int64 |
_int4 | pq.Int64Array |
int8 | int64 |
_int8 | pq.Int64Array |
integer | int64 |
_integer | pq.Int64Array |
bigint | int64 |
float | float64 |
float4 | float64 |
_float4 | pq.Float64Array |
float8 | float64 |
_float8 | pq.Float64Array |
double | float64 |
decimal | float64 |
dec | float64 |
fixed | float64 |
real | float64 |
bit | byte |
date | time.Time |
datetime | time.Time |
timestamp | time.Time |
time | string |
year | int64 |
linestring | string |
multilinestring | string |
nvarchar | string |
nchar | string |
char | string |
_char | pq.StringArray |
character | string |
varchar | string |
_varchar | pq.StringArray |
binary | string |
bytea | string |
longvarbinary | string |
varbinary | string |
tinytext | string |
text | string |
_text | pq.StringArray |
mediumtext | string |
longtext | string |
enum | string |
set | string |
json | string |
jsonb | string |
blob | string |
longblob | string |
mediumblob | string |
tinyblob | string |
ltree | []byte |
type mapping customization
Type mapping customization can only be used in the experimental version. For how to enable the experimental version, please refer to goctl env,For configuration use, please refer to goctl config
Example 1. Modify decimal to decimal. Decimal type
- Initialize configuration in projects that need to generate models
$ goctl config init
goctl.yaml generated in ~/workspace/go-zero/tools/goctl/goctl.yaml
- Modify the type mapping relationship
The grey shading is a custom mapping type.
null_type: sql.NullInt64
type: int64
unsigned_type: uint64
null_type: sql.NullFloat64
type: float64
null_type: decimal.NullDecimal
pkg: github.com/shopspring/decimal
type: decimal.Decimal
Add type mappings not supported by goctl built-in
We have a pg in the table with data type inet
-- auto-generated definition
create table student
id integer not null
constraint student_pk
primary key,
name varchar default ''::character varying not null,
age integer default 0 not null,
description integer not null,
ip_address inet default ''::inet not null
alter table student
owner to postgres;
Currently goctl built-in type mappings do not support types, so goctl will report an error as follows:
$ goctl model pg datasource --url="postgres://postgres:postgrespw@" --table="user,student" --dir .
Error: unsupported database type: inet
To solve the above problem, in the past, the goctl version was not supported. You could only add rules to the built-in type mapping rules, and then send the version, but now you only need to add a type mapping rule in the configuration file.
Provided that the goctl version is greater than or equal to 1.6.5, and the experimental function is started
- Check if the goctl version meets the conditions
$ goctl env
GOCTL_EXPERIMENTAL=on # If the experimental function tube is off, it needs to be turned on. The opening command is goctl env -w GOCTL_EXPERIMENTAL = on
GOCTL_VERSION=1.6.5 # goctl version
- Initialize goctl configuration in the target project
$ goctl config
goctl.yaml generated in ~/demo/goctl-config/goctl.yaml # This is based on the output of your own computer, which is for reference only.
- Modify goctl.yaml
To increase the target data type and mapping relationship, add an inet mapping here. The example is as follows: Grey shading
null_type: sql.NullInt64
type: int64
unsigned_type: uint64
null_type: sql.NullString
type: string
- Generate model code again
goctl model pg datasource --url="postgres://postgres:postgrespw@" --table="user,student" --dir .