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Types and Method Descriptions

1. LogConf

LogConf is a logging configuration struct used to set various log-related parameters.

type LogConf struct {
ServiceName string `json:",optional"`
Mode string `json:",default=console,options=[console,file,volume]"`
Encoding string `json:",default=json,options=[json,plain]"`
TimeFormat string `json:",optional"`
Path string `json:",default=logs"`
Level string `json:",default=info,options=[debug,info,error,severe]"`
MaxContentLength uint32 `json:",optional"`
Compress bool `json:",optional"`
Stat bool `json:",default=true"`
KeepDays int `json:",optional"`
StackCooldownMillis int `json:",default=100"`
MaxBackups int `json:",default=0"`
MaxSize int `json:",default=0"`
Rotation string `json:",default=daily,options=[daily,size]"`

2. WithColor

Add color to a string in plain encoding.

func WithColor(text string, colour color.Color) string
  • Parameters:

    • text: The text to be colored.
    • colour: The color object.
  • Returns: Returns the colored string.

Example Code

import ""

text := "Hello, World!"
coloredText := logx.WithColor(text, color.FgRed)

3. AddGlobalFields

Add global fields which will be appended to all log entries.

func AddGlobalFields(fields ...LogField)
  • Parameters:
    • fields: The global fields to add.

Example Code

logx.AddGlobalFields(logx.Field("service", "my-service"))

4. ContextWithFields

Return a new context with the given fields.

func ContextWithFields(ctx context.Context, fields ...LogField) context.Context
  • Parameters:

    • ctx: The context object.
    • fields: The fields to add to the context.
  • Returns: Returns a new context object.

Example Code

ctx := context.Background()
ctx = logx.ContextWithFields(ctx, logx.Field("request_id", "12345"))

5. Logger Interface

The Logger interface defines methods for logging.

type Logger interface {
Debugf(string, ...any)
Debugw(string, ...LogField)
Errorf(string, ...any)
Errorw(string, ...LogField)
Infof(string, ...any)
Infow(string, ...LogField)
Slowf(string, ...any)
Sloww(string, ...LogField)
WithCallerSkip(skip int) Logger
WithContext(ctx context.Context) Logger
WithDuration(d time.Duration) Logger
WithFields(fields ...LogField) Logger

Example Code

var logger logx.Logger = logx.WithContext(context.Background())

logger.Info("This is an info log")
logger.Debugf("Debug log with value: %d", 42)
logger.Errorw("Error occurred", logx.Field("error_code", 500))

6. NewLessLogger

Create a LessLogger that logs at most once during the given duration.

func NewLessLogger(milliseconds int) *LessLogger
  • Parameters:

    • milliseconds: Time interval in milliseconds.
  • Returns: Returns a LessLogger object.

Example Code

lessLogger := logx.NewLessLogger(1000)

lessLogger.Error("This error will be logged at most once per second")

7. NewWriter

Create a new instance of Writer.

func NewWriter(w io.Writer) Writer
  • Parameters:

    • w: An instance implementing the io.Writer interface.
  • Returns: Returns an implementation of the Writer interface.

Example Code

file, err := os.Create("app.log")
if err != nil {
writer := logx.NewWriter(file)

Logging Configuration Example

logConf := logx.LogConf{
ServiceName: "example-service",
Mode: "file",
Encoding: "json",
Path: "/var/logs",
Level: "debug",
KeepDays: 7,
MaxContentLength: 1024,
Compress: true,

err := logx.SetUp(logConf)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to set up logging: %v", err)