go-zero is a web and rpc framework that integrates various engineering practices.Flexible design guarantees stability at the same end and undergoes a full operational test.
go-zero contains very simple API definitions and generation tools goctl. Can generate Go, iOS, Android, Kotlin, Dart, TypeScript, JavaScript code based on defined api files and can be run directly.
Here's more advanced and comprehensive usage than basic tasks
A deeper understanding of how the framework works
Framework design
Easy access to stability to support tens of millions of days of living services, end-to-timeout controls, limited flow, adaptive smelting, adaptive downloading capabilities such as microservices without configuration and extra code. Micro-service governance middleware can be seamlessly integrated into other existing frameworks, abbreviated API descriptions, one-click generation of end codes, auto-calibration of client requests parameters and a large number of microservice governance and parallel toolkits.
Framework Features
Powerful tool support, minimum code writing, very simple interfaces, fully compatible net/http, supports intermediaries, easy expansion, high performance, troubleshooting, adaptive design, internal service discovery, load balance, internal build limit flow, melting, downloading and automatic trigger, automatic recovery, API parameter auto, timebound control, auto-cache control, link tracking, statistical alert, etc., high and supported in order to stabilize daily flow peaks during the epidemic.
Code Autogenerate
go-zero contains very simple API definitions and generation tools goctl. Can generate Go, iOS, Android, Kotlin, Dart, TypeScript, JavaScript code based on defined api files and can be run directly.
goctl -h
A cli tool to generate api, gRPC, model code
GitHub: https://github.com/zeromicro/go-zero
Site: https://go-zero.dev
goctl [command]
Available Commands:
api Generate api related files
bug Report a bug
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
docker Generate Dockerfile
env Check or edit goctl environment
help Help about any command
kube Generate kubernetes files
migrate Migrate from tal-tech to zeromicro
model Generate model code
quickstart quickly start a project
rpc Generate rpc code
template Template operation
upgrade Upgrade goctl to latest version
-h, --help help for goctl
-v, --version version for goctl
Use "goctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.